
Jasper County Arrest Log

Tuesday, March 11

Brett D. Ames, 35, of Fair Oaks, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department for theft.

Shannon M. Clark, 53, of Monticello, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department for possession of paraphernalia.

Cory A. Jackson, 36, of Rensselaer, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department for driving while suspended.

Brandon C. Jones, 28, of Lafayette, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department for theft of a firearm.

Xavier L. Newbury, 23, of Wheatfield, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department for criminal recklessness with a deadly weapon and false reporting/informing.

Larry D. Waddell, 38, of DeMotte, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department for possession of methamphetamine and possession of paraphernalia.

Monday, March 10

Graham W. Baron, 38, of Lowell, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department for possession of methamphetamine and operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated with endangerment.

Francisco N. Challoner, 43, of Wheatfield, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department and held.

James E. Claxton, 23, of Wheatfield, was arrested by the Indiana State Police for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated with endangerment.

Samantha S. Engles, 33, of Lafayette, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department for dealing methamphetamine.

Todd A. Fase, 23, of DeMotte, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department for dealing methamphetamine, dealing a schedule IV sustenance and dealing marijuana, hash oil or hashish.

Daniel J. Koshnick, 23, of St. John, Indiana, was arrested by the Indiana State Police for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated with endangerment.

David W. Lippert, 18, of Wheatfield, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department on a court order.

Steven J. Sprouse, 39, of Cedar Lake, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated with endangerment.

Jeremy M. Stahl, 25, of DeMotte, was arrested by the Rensselaer Police Department for intimidation.

Joseph W. Wigglesworth, 42, of Indianapolis, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department and held for another agency.

Friday, March 7

Quante J. Riley, 29, of Gary, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department for possession of marijuana, hash oil or hashish.

Thursday, March 6

Timothy E. Angle, 67, of Rensselaer, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department for failure to appear.

Torrance B. Kuykendall, 52, of Lake Village, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department to serve a sentence.

Howard K. Webber Sr., 55, of Wheatfield, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department and held for another agency.

Wednesday, March 5

Valerie M. Berlanga, 43, of East Chicago, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department for failure to appear.

Stephen J. Kolp, 63, of Wheatfield, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department for livestock or poultry running at large.

Darian K. Wolf, 30, of Indianapolis, was arrested by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department for theft with value of property at least $750 and less than $50,000.