A man who led police on a hair-raising chase was apprehended by a police dog after trying to abandon the car.

Jake Cartlidge, 24, was signalled to pull over on January 20, 2022 when officers saw him driving the car on the A57. Prosecutor Curtis Dunkley told Sheffield Crown Court on Monday, March 17 the police pursuit was caught on camera by the National Police Air Service, which was called in to help.

He said: "The defendant was driving the Skoda Fabia which was first seen on the A57 by two police constables on duty. The police intelligence was that the vehicle was stolen but it was later found it had been legitimately purchased.

"He [Cartlidge] made off at speed when they indicated he should pull over. A pursuit followed."

During the high speed chase, Cartlidge, of Evrington Avenue, Sheffield, overtook vehicles while oncoming was traffic was close by, went the wrong way around a number of roundabouts, reached speeds of up to 80mph on a 60mph road, and forced other drivers to move out of his way.

The court heard he turned onto Dyke Valley Road, near Shire Brook Nature Reserve, and attempted to abandon the car. A passenger was also seen to exit the vehicle on footage which was played to the court.

Sheffield Crown Court
Sheffield Crown Court

Mr Dunkley said: "The defendant was at first stood and a dog handler asked him to stay and he ran away but was apprehended by the police dog. He was found to be a disqualified driver."

It was said a small bag of white powder was found inside the vehicle, but it was not examined. Cartlidge was taken to hospital for his injuries sustained when he was apprehended by the police dog, and later to custody, where he answered "no comment" to all questions asked.

The court heard he had previous convictions, including some committed when he was a youth, for offences including theft from a motor vehicle, driving without a licence insurance and going equipped for theft.

Mitigating, Rebecca Tanner said: "There is not question this is an appalling piece of driving. There are perhaps three factors in this case that will maybe persuade you instead of imposing an immediate custodial sentence, it could be a suspended sentence order. Factor one is that he pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity.

"The second is the factor that there has been a delay in this case. The third is the impact that an immediate custodial sentence will have on others."

The court was told Cartlidge is a carer for his grandmother. Ms Tanner added: "He is embarrassed by what he has done and I'm sure, having viewed the footage again this afternoon, it will remind him how fortunate he is no one came to harm as a result of his stupidity. He is sorry.

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"He is - notwithstanding the fact he thought he was going to prison - trying to make some changes. He has distanced himself from those he was associating himself with at the time and has distanced himself from motor vehicles...He is a young man...He has prepared himself and knows he may lose his liberty today. His main concern is for his grandmother. He is effectively her primary carer...There is nobody else that could fulfil that capacity in the family."

His Honour Judge Hampton jailed Cartlidge for a year for the offence of dangerous driving and told him he will be disqualified from driving for 36 months, at the end of which he will have to take an extended retest.

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