
My classic Yamaha RD 125 restoration: Got custom made fins for the bike

That is the benefit of working with aluminium soft yet strong and wont rust as well.

BHPian SnS_12 recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

"Bend it like Beckham"

Tony shared with me pictures of the aluminium fins with the perfect curvature that he achieved by pressing them into shape over a piece of wood. That is the benefit of working with aluminium soft yet strong and wont rust as well. Now, these two can go in for paint along with the other RD 125 parts…

Some pictures…

Look at those curves. So close to the OE fins:

Not a flat sliding in surface anymore

Both are not of the equal lengths and initially we thought we need to take measurements of only one side and replicate the same for the other. Good we cross checked that on the paper reference we had made.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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