Carmel Healion gets ready to cut the ribbon to open the parade
Need for peace in the world highlighted by Coolinarney NS pupils at Mountbolus event
MOUNTBOLUS St Patrick's Day Parade 2025 took place under grey but crispy dry skies. A large crowd gathered after enjoying a warm cup of tea in the local Killoughey Community Centre, itself a hive of excitement as a fundraiser drive is underway to replace the Hall roof structure and modernise the building.
Damien White was MC for the Parade and welcomed the assembled crowd, highlighting the great tradition of Parades in Mountbolus over the years and the fun and frolics associated with them.
He outlined the communities delight at the choice of Grand Marshalls for the parade, namely Carmel and Noel Healion of Annaghmore. Carmel was recently elected President of Kilcormac Killoughey GAA and Noel has provided the lorry to host the Parade activities, for many the year, both stalwarts of community volunteering. They were driven in style by Eileen Walsh in her top down Mercedes.
Proceedings were officially opened by Carmel cutting the ribbon held by former Councillor Danny Owens, Chairman of the Parade Committee and Councillor Neil Feighery. Sean Guinan and the Killoughey Accordion Band ably led by Enda Doolin , lifted the crowds spirits with a rousing rendition of the Offaly Rover, all recorded by Lora Kavanagh , photographer of the day.
The Accordion band, with Johnny Butterfield and assembled musicians entertained the crowd further, until giving away to the pupils of Coolinarney NS, with their theme of peace in the world, apt for the current geo-political tides. The students set about banishing the snake of hatred and played a beautiful whistle rendition of the “Rattling Bog”.
They are also holding a pub quiz fundraiser in the Blueball in the coming weeks. Mountbolus NS was up next and they kept it agricultural with their theme of the Ploughing Match 2025 in Screggan, They built their own tractor and plough in honour of the schools former student, Mick Mahon of Blacklion, current President of the National Ploughing Association.
Brian and Marie Leonard whizzed down the street in their 1967, Morris Minor and were followed by the youth players of Kilcormac Killoughey GAA, LGFA and Camogie who had much silverware to display from all ages and stages. This was recognised by them winning the Best Group Trophy in recognition of the joy and energy their sporting talents have brought to many, far and wide.
Patrick O Brien proudly brought his dogs Tom and Ned on a bicycle made for three to the fore and he won the best Vintage Float display for 2025. John Kenny and family from Belmont displayed their pristine Porche Carrera, carrying away the Vintage Group Award.
Tommy Phelan and his support the Killoughey Community Centre festooned van, advised us of the fundraiser IDonate Portal and the upcoming Golf Classic in Birr on the 13th of June, being organised by the hard working Hall Committee to upgrade the roof. His displays and efforts earned the Hall Committee, the 2025 Environmental Award. We were reminded that the first band to play in the hall was Big Tom and the Mainliners, in 1976 and the Hall celebrates its 50th Birthday in 2026 having hosted both happy and sad parish occasions, notably being the training ground of 11 All Ireland Badminton titles under the stewardship of Judy Bryant.
Ballyboy Development Association delighted the audience with their wonderful float highlighting their efforts to seek grant funding to build a community centre in Ballyboy. They choose the Disney theme of Moana, full of colour, fun and music, with 70 people taking part in this feast of entertainment, with nods to wasteful Bike sheds and obsolete printers and scooping the Exceptional Award Entry 2025. They were followed by Newton Plant Hires float, themed “Back to the Future 40 Years 1985- 2025. The Clock Tower was connected to the Time machine by the efforts of Marty McFly and his real DeLorean Time Machine Car. This highly sparkling float won the Beehive Best Overall Float 2025.
Paddy Dunican lead his granddaughter Roisin down the street, on her exceptionally quiet pony, Kevin with a nod to Cheltenham of the future and we had a very reluctant St Patricks Day lamb in slow pursuit, a nod to St Patricks herding days on Slieve Mish. He was followed by special visitor Paddy the Panda, whose slow but gallant dancing efforts earned Richard Dooley, the Fancy Dress award.
The Industrial section saw Darragh Leavy display his Slurry Separation Machine, with Paul Monaghan in cruise control on the JCB Trac. Follow Darragh on TicToc, the crowd were told. Eoin Lambe displayed his 1981 French Import Ford TW- 10 tractor, which spent its life until last summer on a French Tillage farm before heading to the green fields of Killoughey to retire. Paddy and Cian Dillon drove their 1990 Toyota jeep, followed by Ryan Dillon and Rian Gralton in their funky 250cc CF Moto Dune Buggy, far from sand but bombing along nonetheless. Paul Lyons drove his Massey Ferguson 135 to the appreciation of the crowd, heavy clutch work. Storm Ewoyn ESB workers, Rory Camon, David Lee and Tadgh Flynn scooped the Paul Daly Environmental Perpetual Cup 2025 and their efforts to re-wire ESB poles were to be commended. Sadie Flynn and Amy Lee closed the proceedings by cycling their way into a Parisian lifestyle of sunshine and smiles, a suitable finale for a busy, bright and very enjoyable Mountbolus Parade.
Until next year and we do it all again, Slan Abhaile.