State's case shows cracks as key witness admits to 'lying' in Joshlin trial

Jacquin Appolis, Steveno van Rhyn and Racquel Smith during an earlier court appearance. File photo.
Jacquin Appolis, Steveno van Rhyn and Racquel Smith during an earlier court appearance. File photo.
Image: Ruvan Boshoff

The credibility of the state’s key witness in the Joshlin Smith human trafficking and kidnapping trial in the high court in Saldanha Bay was on the line on Thursday as the defence pointed out discrepancies in her evidence.

In a surprise twist, former co-accused Lourentia Lombaard admitted to lying to a police captain during an interview after being arrested about which day of the week she heard a conversation about how R20,000 — allegedly paid by a sangoma for Joshlin — would be shared.

A statement was taken during the interview which was filmed. 

Lombaard has consistently maintained the discussion happened on February 18 — a day before Joshlin went missing last year.

“Would you be surprised that the [confession] video said it was the Monday [February 20]?” asked judge Nathan Erasmus.

Lombaard said she was confused but had on the Monday visited the shack occupied by Joshlin's mother Racquel “Kelly” Smith and her boyfriend, co-accused Jacquin “Boeta” Appollis. She overheard Kelly tell Boeta to get Joshlin ready by 2pm when people would fetch the child.

After Smith left for work she, Appollis and the third accused Steveno van Rhyn had a discussion about sharing the money.

The court was forced to adjourn on Wednesday after Lombaard broke down twice under cross-examination. On the second occasion she was escorted from the dock to receive medical attention. She submitted a medical note to the court saying she was able to continue testifying.

Defence attorney Fanie Harmse cross-examined her about a confession taken on March 15 2024 and her section 204 witness statement taken in October 2024 — each taken by a different police captain.

He noted in the statement she mentioned an incident on February 18 in which Smith threatened to kill Appollis with a knife. However, the incident was not mentioned in her confession.

He also pointed out another discrepancy between the confession and statement in that one mentioned an exact time she visited Smith's home that day and the other said she was not sure of the time.  

Lombaard's statement, he added, noted how she had stood outside the shack the day before Joshlin went missing and heard the couple talking, yet this was not mentioned in her confession.

Lombaard earlier testified she had seen Smith and Joshlin walking towards a white VW Polo across a canal, which was interrogated by Harmse.  

Erasmus said: “The point Harmse makes, when you made the statement to [one captain] you told her it was Kelly and Boeta that went to the Polo and you told me you made a mistake. And the mistake was that you were confused.”  

“That is correct, my lord,” said Lombaard.  

Harmse then probed how she could have been confused.

“I was confused and scared as I have never spoken in front of someone before and cameras. It had to be Joshlin. Boeta never went to the Polo,” said Lombaard.  

Erasmus then said: “At the time you were with [a police captain] you were facing these charges and this case was only about the disappearance of Joshlin. I want to understand that the focus of all the people [yourself and the police] speaking about this would be all about Joshlin and her movement?”  

“That is correct, my lord,” said Lombaard.  

“If Joshlin was with Kelly on Sunday evening to the Polo, how could that be confused in the context of replacing Boeta with Joshlin? Do you have any comment?” asked Erasmus.  

Lombaard said she had no comment.  

The trial continues. 


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